
What happens to adipocytes when we lose weight intensively?

2024-03-05 10:56


Have you ever wondered what happens to adipocytes (fat cells) when we intensively “lose weight”? Meanwhile, there are 

three possible scenarios for the development of events. And the choice of hardware impact depends on which one we want 

to use.

OPTION #1. LIPOLYSIS. Everything is very simple with him. Adipocytes have so-called alpha receptors, which are responsible 

for the accumulation of fatty inclusions in adipose tissue cells. And there are beta receptors, which, on the contrary, activate 

the same lipolysis - the breakdown of fat into water, glycerol and fatty acids. Is there any doubt that alpha receptors are 

hundreds of times more active by nature!
When we stimulate LIPOLYSIS, we activate beta receptors in one way or another and trigger the process of fat breakdown

 in the fatty inclusions of adipocytes. At the same time, the fat cells themselves do not suffer, they continue their measured 

life path and wait for the moment when it will be possible to make new stocks for a rainy day.

What hardware techniques activate lipolysis? These are myostimulation, vacuum, partially RF lifting, vibration massage, 

ultrasonic phonophoresis, lipolaser. Indirectly acting lipolytics in hardware cosmetics, body wraps and injectable preparations 

also stimulate lipolysis.

And now the most interesting part, namely the methods of destroying adipose tissue.

lose weight

OPTION No. 2. NECROSIS. Yes, it is the necrosis of adipocytes that is associated with the use of direct-acting lipolytics in 

injection preparations. Necrosis processes are also triggered by cavitation and, in small quantities, RF body lifting. The 

process of traumatic destruction of fat cells begins. The cell membrane (membrane) begins to collapse, the cell increases 

in size, its nucleus swells, the breakdown of intracellular structures and DNA begins, and an inflammatory process begins 

in the tissue, leading to the formation of fibrosis in the future. In addition, decay products in the form of toxins enter the 

intercellular space, giving the body a signal that it has just suddenly lost a noticeable amount of living, functional, highly 

specialized tissue.

The consequences of an overdose can be very unpleasant. Cell breakdown products can be toxic to the body and overload it. 

The body can start the process of compensating for the loss and give a signal to reserve stem cells to quickly “mature” into 

adipocytes and take the place of dead comrades. In addition, young adipocytes are capable of dividing.

OPTION #3. APOPTOSIS. Now this is the most interesting part.
Apoptosis is a genetically programmed cell death, which leads to their “careful” disassembly and removal. The morphological 

signs of this active process are changes in the cell membrane ("loosening" of vesicles, so-called apoptotic bodies), disintegration 

of the cell nucleus, compaction of chromatin and DNA fragmentation. Cells that have undergone apoptosis are recognized by 

macrophages and other phagocytic cells and are quickly consumed. It is very important that during apoptosis an inflammatory 

process does not develop and there is no intoxication of the body.When we stimulate APOPTOSIS locally, in the area of fat depots, 

we trigger the very process of “natural” death of fat cells, without causing stress to the body. As a result, the volumes of the 

processed local fat depot change irreversibly; it is not able to accumulate the previous reserves of fatty inclusions, and the volumes 


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